Audi India announced the opening of its world-class showroom in Surat. The Audi Surat showroom was inaugurated by Michael Perschke, Head, Audi India and Samir Mistry, Managing Director, Audi Surat. Audi India also unveiled its all new business luxury sedan โ the Audi A6. Spread over total area of 22,650 sq. ft. Audi Surat is based on the unique Audi Terminal concept with the honeycomb aluminum facade on the exterior. With a display area that can accommodate 8 Audi cars, the showroom will display the entire model range of Audi cars available in India. Audi Surat will also house an Audi Shop and the Audi Exclusive elements, where customers can order customized products and purchase a variety of Audi branded merchandise.
Michael Perschke, Head, Audi India quoted: โThe opening of a new Audi showroom in Surat underlines our unwavering commitment to offer customers with a luxurious experience that truly reflects our core brand values of progressiveness, sophistication and sportiness. The launch of this second showroom in Gujarat, will allow us to capitalize on the fast growing demand for luxury automobiles in the region. In line with our philosophy, Audi Surat will provide unparalleled levels of luxury through a class defining product range and premium servicesโ
Audi India also plans to expand its network to 18 dealerships this year from the existing 13 centers and further increase it to 25 locations by end of 2012. Audi India and its dealer partners aim to hire at least 600 employees by the end of the year, 30 of these will be in Surat itself. This year the company has already opened new showrooms in Delhi, Chennai and Ludhiana. Last year, the company inaugurated showrooms in Mumbai West, Kolkata, Jaipur and Bengaluru.
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