In the latest instance, popular actor Kartik Aaryan was spotted in his Lamborghini Urus along with some excited Policemen. He has the Urus in black colour. It’s remarkable how Aaryan frequently opts for this black beast over his other cars. Interestingly, among the vehicles in his garage is the stunning McLaren GT. He received this rare exotic as a gift from Bhushan Kumar in recognition of the success of Bhool Bhulaiyya 2. However, for the moment, let’s shift our attention back to this latest case.
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Kartik Aaryan Loses Way in his Lamborghini Urus
This video comes from NomadicPahadis on YouTube. It captures a rather unusual visual. A bunch of Policemen in Uttarakhand are taking selfies with the young actor. As per the information in the video, Kartik lost his way and missed a turn. That is when someone asked him about what he was upto. He mentions that he lost his way and asked why were the cameramen following him anyway. The joking banter continued for a while. Thereafter, the Police personnel at the location approached the actor for a few selfies. He gladly obliged and posed for a few photos with the Police officials.
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Lamborghini Urus
The Lamborghini Urus is equipped with a potent 4.0-litre V8 petrol twin-turbo engine, delivering an impressive 641 hp and 850 Nm of peak power and torque. This formidable engine is mated to an 8-speed automatic transmission and an all-wheel-drive system. Despite its hefty weight of over 2.2 tons, the Urus demonstrates remarkable agility with a 0-100 km/h acceleration time of just 3.6 seconds, distinguishing it as a standout feature of this SUV. The vehicle achieves a top speed of 305 km/h. In India, the base price for the standard Urus model exceeds Rs 3.50 Crore.
Lamborghini Urus | Specs |
Engine | 4.4-litre twin-turbo petrol |
Power / Torque | 641 hp / 850 Nm |
Top Speed | 305 km/h |
Acceleration (0-100 km/h) | 3.6 secs |
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Author’s Note
Spotting celebrities in and around Mumbai in their flashy automobiles is a rather common affair. But this time around, the Uttarakhand Police personnel are clicking the photographs. This means that the actor might be there for the shooting. Hence, the local people are pretty excited as it is definitely not as common to spot an A-lister anywhere else in the country apart from Mumbai. Kartik was nice enough to allow the Policemen some pics before heading off.
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