The off-roading prowess of the upcoming Tata Punch EV has been revealed in this latest post. The launch is slated for January 17 and you could book one for Rs 21,000. Interestingly, it will be the first EV to be built on the new Gen 2 EV architecture called acti.ev (pronounced active) from the Indian auto giant. EVs are clearly the flavour of the season. Tata Motors is the largest EV maker in the country. It leverages the popularity of its ICE models and converted them into EVs. Punch will be the latest entry on this list after Nexon EV, Tiago EV and Tigor EV. Here are the details.
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Tata Punch EV Goes Off-Roading
This post comes from PowerStrokePS on YouTube. The visuals capture the camouflaged electric micro-SUV on a challenging track. There are multiple obstacles it goes through. In one case, it is driven over a surface full of stones. It tests the suspension and wheel articulation (to some extent) of the SUV. In addition to that, the SUV goes through sharp corners on a muddy surface to test its traction and grip. In fact, on one occasion, the driver takes it in slushy waters. This showcases the safety standards of its battery. All in all, this video is a glimpse of what the electric SUV is capable of.
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Tata Motors has not shared the complete specifications of the battery and range. However, the official website allows potential customers to choose between a standard and a long-range version. This clearly indicates that it will come with two battery packs. Additionally, the buyers will also get the option of a 3.3 kW AC charger with the smaller battery and a slightly faster 7.2 kW AC charger with DC charging support for the larger battery pack version. This new acti.ev platform offers a range between 300 – 400 km. In our market, it will go up against the Citroen eC3. The prices could overlap with the Tigor EV.
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Author’s Note
Tata Motors is the king of EVs in India. It has over 80% market share alone. That is a testament to the domination it has over other car marques. It has stuck with the strategy of converting its ICE cars into EVs by making minor modifications. Hence, a lot of cost is saved on the production. This, in turn, enables Tata Motors to sell the EVs at reasonable prices. That has led to massive sales as people are willing to spend a slight premium to experience electric cars. We shall have to see how well the new Punch EV sells.
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