This is surely one of the best iteration versions of the Mahindra XUV700. The Mahindra XUV700 has stirred up the mid-size SUV segment ever since its launch. Loaded with modern tech and convenience features, the XUV700 is something that is causing headaches to its rivals. It is simultaneously competing against the likes of 5-seat mid-size SUVs like Creta and Seltos and 7-seat SUVs like the Safari, Hector Plus and Alcazar. Many automobile designers have been coming up with their interesting iterations of the SUV. But this is one of the better ones that we have seen in a while. Being such a hyped-up and popular product, people are excited about such versions which they can borrow as an actual modification to their SUVs. Let us see what changes are there in this best iteration of the Mahindra XUV700.
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Mahindra XUV700 Best Iteration
The changes to the original design are limited but effective and intricate. To start with, the front grille has been redone which goes well with the overall design of the front end. The pattern below the grille is also updated. The LED headlamp unit has been made a bit sharper. The main point of distinction is the sculpted bonnet with large air intakes as we see on the drag race cars for the supercharger. It lends a sporty character to the SUV. The blingy colour scheme also goes well with the overall modifications of the SUV. The sides profile allows a glimpse of the prominent wheel arches along with massive dual 8-spoke black alloy wheels with ultra-low-profile tyres like in performance cars. The other bits are borrowed from the regular XUV700 like the blacked-out A, B and C-pillars along with a chrome belt underneath the window line and flush-out smart door handles.
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Moving to the rear, two chrome finished exhausts look ultra-sporty along with a black skid plate area. The overall design of the rear is more or less similar to the one we witness on the regular XUV700. The LED taillamps are connected by the brake light strip which extends to the entire width of the rear. The integrated roof-mounted rear spoiler and shark fin antenna add to the muscular and chunky appeal of the Mahindra XUV700. Let us know if you also think that this is one of the best iteration models of the Mahindra XUV700 ever.
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Image Source: Zephyr Designz