In a shocking turn of events, one Vikas Jha, a Tata Nexon owner, shares a disheartening video on social media. This video showcases his brand-new SUV damaged at a Tata Motors service center. The incident occurred at Sagar Motors, leaving Jha frustrated over the mishandling of his vehicle. The video captures a service technician accidentally colliding with the Tata Nexon, causing visible damage to the front bumper. Smoke seen in the footage raises concerns about potential internal damage.
New Tata Nexon owner shares
โ RushLane (@rushlane) December 30, 2023
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Tata Motors’ Swift Response to Aggrieved Nexon Owner
Tata Motors swiftly responded to Jha’s distress, publicly expressing apologies and a commitment to address the issue. The automobile giant’s official statement on social media states,”Hi Vikas, weโre sorry that youโve had to face this and would like to help. Please share your primary & alternate contact number, email ID & dealer information via DM, so that we can connect with you for further help.”
In response to Tata Motors’ public message, Jha promptly provided the requested details via direct message. This initiated a channel for further communication and resolution, reflecting Tata Motors’ dedication to customer satisfaction.
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Highlights Tata Motors’ Commitment to Ensuring Positive Customer Experience
The incident highlights the importance of service center diligence and customer communication. Tata Motors’ immediate response and commitment to resolving the issue showcase their dedication to ensuring a positive customer experience. Stay tuned for updates as we follow this story and Tata Motors’ actions in addressing the concerns of the affected Nexon owner.*
Tata Motors, known for its commitment to customer satisfaction and quality service, faces the challenge of addressing Jhaโs issue effectively. It even needs to ensure that incidents of this nature are minimized or prevented in the future. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of stringent quality control and careful handling of customersโ vehicles at service centers, prompting discussions on enhancing protocols for vehicle maintenance and care within the automotive industry.
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