Big Boss OTT Season 2 winner, Elvish Yadav, bought a Mercedes E53 AMG Cabriolet worth Rs 1.30 crore a while back. Known for his controversies, Elvish took to the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway to test the limits of his new car. Yadav, who has often showcased his E53 AMG Cabriolet in a series of videos, recently attempted clocking 300 km/h in his beast.
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Elvish Yadav Drives His Mercedes E53 AMG Way Above Speed Limit
In a daring video shared on Elvish Yadav Vlogs, Elvish can be seen overspending on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway. Pushing the E53 AMG to its limits, he reaches speeds exceeding 230 km/h. Elvish, accompanied by a friend in a Toyota Fortuner Legender, claim they were ‘testing’ E53 AMG’s acceleration and top speed.
Yadav engages Sport+ mode while attempting a 0-100 km/h sprint. Although facing initial struggles, Elvish eventually hit the mark in 4-5 seconds. This is in accordance with the car’s acceleration prowess. Undeterred by the traffic, Elvish accelerated further, reaching 200 km/h effortlessly. Surpassing this speed, the vehicle even touches 223 km/h before having to slow down. Despite the expansion joints on the flyover unsettling the high speed ride, the thrill persisted. On the return journey, Elvish lowered the car’s roof, and clocks a whopping 245 km/h.
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Safety Concerns
While the video captures the excitement of high-speed driving, it also raises huge concerns about safety. Such stunts on a public road pose risks to lives of the car occupants as well as other road users. Responsible driving is crucial to ensure road safety. To test a vehicle’s capabilities, experts recommend utilizing closed tracks under professional supervision. Public roads are not the place for such high speeds. What Yadav captures in his video is completely unlawful and very dangerous.
What We Think: Given Elvish Yadav’s rather risky drive of the Mercedes E53 AMG Cabriolet on a public road is brazen misuse of the car’s speed and power. Such irresponsible behaviour highlights the lack of responsibility on the part of some performance car owners. It’s crucial to enjoy the thrill in a controlled and secure environment.
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