The Japanese company, Mitsubishi has confirmed that it will launch two new SUVs in the Indian market in the next year, 2015. The Automaker will have large scale expansion in India, more than ย 50% of the current dealership. Currently Mitsubishi has 31 dealerships in place within India, and the number will go up to 48 by March 2015.
The only real indication from Mitsubishi is that both the SUVs will be brand new models and shall be placed one above and one below the Pajero Sport that was already launched on 15th November in Delhi.
Mitsubishi Pajero FaceliftAs of now Mitsubishi offers the New Pajero Sport as its latest and most exciting launch. Other models offered in India include the Lancer, Outlander, Pajero SFX, Montero and Cedia. All of these models are present in low volume and hence the dealerships are not very aggresive about making sales. In order for the new dealerships to be enthusiastic for more revenue and to remain in the business, Mitsubishi needs to show more involvement this time with the two new SUVs.
The Japanese company plans to make a big move towards the Indian market by launching the new Mitsubishi SUV models in 2015. Although no other details about the launch have been revealed one can speculate that one of the models might be the New Outlander that is already on sale in international markets. The other can be predicted to be a replacement for the Montero with a brand new Pajero.
New Pajero Sport launched on 15th November 2014 in DelhiFor the Indian landscape the Japanese company will stay with the SUVs and only look towards other types of cars after sales increase. The idea is to reaffirm their position as a big brand again and magnify sales.
The Managing Director, Uttam Bose told a source that, “Sales increase of SUVs will boost the business fundamentals of our operations.ย Volumes will grow through launch of strategic models.”
This move by Mitsubishi can be seen as a part of their global “New Stage 2016” strategy that they are following as a marketing and expansion routine. The new Pajero Sport launched recently was also under the umbrella of this strategy and hopefully shall be fruitful for the company’s long term plans in India with HMFCL.