Mahindra Reva electric car company will launch its four seater electric car Mahindra Reva NXR In India in the year 2011. Mahindra And Mahindra President Pawan Goenka mentioned that Reba NXR Electric car will make its debut in India by 2011. The recent incentives announced by Govt. on India for electric cars will help keep the price for end consumer low and accelerate sales of REVA NXR. So far, only 2 seater variant of Reva Electric car is available in India, NXR will be the first four seater all electric car in India. Reva had unveiled the REVA NXR and NXG at the Frankfurt Motor Show in Sep 2009.
Mahindra and Mahindra has taken over Reva electric car company around mid of 2010, this has helped Reva grow faster and helped M&M explore more possibilities to use Revaโs technologies in Mahindraโs SUVs. We hope to see these eco-friendly cars on Indian roads soon.