The upcoming Mahindra EVs were tested at 200 km/h top speed in the latest official teaser. Mahindra has ambitious plans regarding its electrification. While it is doing very well in the Indian market with its existing models, the future will surely be electric. By the looks of it, Mahindra looks ready to take on the challenge and compete on the global stage. As many as 5 electric SUVs were announced last year. These will launch within the next 3 years marking its prominent steps in the electric world. Let us take a look at the details of the latest top speed test here.
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Upcoming Mahindra EVs Tested
The video comes from Mahindra Automotive on YouTube. It showcases the official testing facility from Mahindra, MSPT in Chennai. The title of the video highlights the occasion of the World EV Day. It takes place on September 9 every year. Coming back to this teaser, a professional driver is ready to drive the three SUVs. By the looks of it, these could be the XUV.e8, XUV.e9 and BE.05. During the course of the video, a glimpse of the inside of the EV reveals the digital speedometer at 200 km/h. All these SUVs were supposedly being driven at this speed on the oval testing track.
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It is possible that this is just one case of testing the top speed of the EVs. Generally, EVs are not designed for a super high-speed scenario as it compromises the range. In the EV world, range is what matters. One of the major hurdles in the mass adoption of EVs is range anxiety. Potential buyers are not ready to comprehend what could happen when their EVs run out of juice on a highway. While that may be an extreme situation, it is a critical factor in deciding if anyone should buy an EV or not.
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Mahindra EVs
Last year, the Indian auto giant revealed plans to launch 5 electric SUVs. These include XUV.e8, XUV.e9, BE.05, BE.07 and BE.09. The launch timeline is December 2024, April 2025, October 2025, and April 2026 respectively. The debut date of the BE.09 is not out yet. Most of these EVs will feature a coupe-like styling with a sloping roofline and a modern interior with the latest features. In terms of powertrain, Mahindra will source the front electric motor from Volkswagen and the rear electric motor from Volkswagen and Valeo. On the other hand, the batteries will come from the Chinese giant BYD. We shall have to wait a bit to know more details about these EVs.
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