The Tata Aria has had a tough time in India since it was launched here in 2010. Though receiving goof reviews for the features on offer, the truly premium interiors and good ride and handling the initial high price spelt doom for the crossover. Tata tried to bring prices down by launching a 2WD variant, but the damage had been done. Combine this with Tata’s notorious after-sale service network, people seemed to be put off the crossover; there were reports that dealerships were offering more a lakh rupees off in terms of discounts to attract customers. The king of the segment the Toyota Innova, meanwhile, is still going strong. The 2014 Tata Aria, the company hopes, will reverse their fortune when it is launched sometime in 2014.
Updated on 11th April 2014
Tata has officially launched the 2014 Tata Aria in India on 10th April 2014. Check out the full details in the previous updates below.
Updated on 12th March 2014
The 2014 Tata Aria has been launched in India. Check the details below:
Aria Pure LX 4×2 – ย Rs. 9.95 Lakh
Aria Pleasure 4×2 – Rs. 12.00 Lakh
Aria Pride 4×4 – Rs. 14.74 Lakh
All prices are ex-showroom Delhi.
Updated on 3rd March 2014
What’s New?
The current Tata Aria is not a bad looking vehicle, its big dimensions appeal to the SUV-look loving customers while there are enough design quirks to make it look modern. The 2014 Tata Aria gets minor styling changes on the outside, changes are limited to the clear-glass headlamps and graphics on the side. The current Aria gets amber indicator covers on the headlamp cluster and plain-jane body. Paint options have been reduced from the earlier six to three, which includes Pearl White, Quartz Black and Arctic Silver.
On the inside there is apparently better space management, along with changes made to the materials used to increase the premium-ness. New features added seem to be limited to a new JBL system designed especially for the Aria, that too on the top end variant.
Standard features include:
- Disc brakes all around
- Driver Information System in the instrument cluster
- Dual A/C
- Keyless entry with smart key
- Projector headlamps
The biggest change though has been made to the engine. The 2014 Tata Aria is powered by a 2.2-litre Varicor engine, the current model is powered by a 2.2-litre Dicor engine. What’s the difference? The new engine gets a single flywheel as compared to the dual-flywheel in the older engine, which may affect the smoothness of the engine but makes it a bit lighter. The new engine’s control unit ย is reworked, which leads to an increase in power and efficiency. Power has gone up from 138 BHP to 148 BHP while the torque remains the same at 320 Nm. ARAI certified fuel-efficiency, according to leaked brochure scans has increased to 15.05 KMPL from the earlier 13.5 KMPL. Tata may also have worked upon the ride and handling characteristics of the crossover to make it more compliant at highway speeds.
What do you think of the changes made to Tata Aria? We will update the prices when they are announced, subscribe to our daily newsletter.
[box type=”info” width=”720″ ]Read more about the new Toyota Innova here[/box]