Mahindra XUV700 and next-gen Scorpio have been spotted cold-weather testing in Leh. The video has come out in the form of shorts on YouTube. The 7-seat version of the XUV700 is about to launch in our market along with the next-gen 2022 Mahindra Scorpio. We have also seen Scorpio testing in some extreme conditions earlier as well. By the looks of it, Mahindra wants to ensure that the Scorpio will still have the utilitarian and rugged feel to it to tackle the extreme conditions. Here are the details of the upcoming SUVs from the homegrown carmaker.
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2022 Mahindra Scorpio and XUV700 Undergoing Cold Weather Testing
The video short has been captured by someone in Leh. The visuals showcase an entourage of the SUVs in some extreme terrain conditions in a camouflaged form. We have seen the same camouflaged version testing on the roads previously too. What is interesting is the fact that even though the 5-seat variant of the Mahindra XUV700 is launched, the 7-seat is still pending. It has been reported that the XUV700 will come with 4×4 capabilities. The Scorpio will also likely feature the same 4×4 drive system. That could be the reason these SUVs have been taken to Leh to test the off-roading performance of both.
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The 2022 Mahindra Scorpio will likely get a 2.2-litre diesel engine making 132 hp and a 2.0-litre direct-injection turbo petrol (from the Mahindraโs own mStallion family), making a decent 152 hp. It will come with 6-speed manual or automatic transmission options for both engines. The launch of the next-gen Scorpio is still awaited with no clear indication of the timeline from the carmaker yet.
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The XUV700, on the other hand, will come with a 2.0-litre turbocharged unit that will churn out a maximum power of 200 PS and a peak torque of 380 Nm. Meanwhile, the Diesel engine will be available in multiple states of tune. The lower versions will get 155 PS and 360 Nm, while the higher positioned models will benefit from 185 PS and 420 Nm. In fact, the same engine will put out 450 Nm with an automatic transmission. The transmission duties will be carried out via a 6-speed manual or an automatic gearbox. Both these SUVs will feature 4×4 capabilities. Mahindra aims to become the go-to carmaker for all sorts of SUVs in the country and has many more SUVs in the pipeline.
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