As per Government’s latest ruling, manufacturers cannot sell any BS-IV cars after April 2020. The option of a grace period for the automobile manufacturers is also ruled out.
In 2016, the Indian Government decided to skip BS-V emission norms. The Government then put the BS-VI emission norms, which will come in effect from April 2020. As per the judgement, the automobile makers were granted permission to manufacture BS-IV cars till 31 March 2020. The government had proposed a grace period till June 2020, but has been rejected by the court. However, with the latest judgement, now, only BS-VI compliant vehicles can be sold after April 2020.
BS-IV norms of Bharat Stage norms are created for better fuel efficiency and lesser pollution. With every stage, the norms become more strict. When a certain BS norm is going on, it means every vehicle cannot emit more pollutants than specified in the norms.
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The pollution in the metro cities, especially Delhi NCR, is getting worse by the day. As the winter is also approaching, the smog and dust problems will commence. One of the main reason for increasing pollution is stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana.
Earlier, the Government had proposed the cour to allow the automakers to sell BS-IV compliant cars till June 2020 and BS-IV compliant heavy vehicles till 30th September 2020. Due to the increasing pollution, this grace period stands cancelled.
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The Court stated that now cleaner fuel is the need of the hour. As a result of this, the grades of petrol and diesel fuel will also be increased. For BS-VI engines, petrol should also be BS-VI compliant. For this, the fuel suppliersย are investing huge amounts, so that they can meet the norms in time.
India is slowly starting to comply with BS-VI norms. As of now, there are barely any cars with BS-VI engines. Most of the cars that are launching after December, will come equipped with BS-VI engines.
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Even the buyers will face budget problems because the prices will increase after this. While most of the automakers have started upgrading to BS-VI engines, some are developing new engines altogether and some are planning to scrap off certain underperforming models after the emission norms. This process is done to reduce the costs of upgrading the cars to new engines.